Access to e-resources

All members of the university’s academic community (academic-research-administrative staff, students, etc.), have the right of full access to the electronic resources.
Access to the e-resources (E-Books, E-Journals, E-Books, bibliographic databases and other E-Resources), is provided only through the DUTH IP network.
When located in DUTH premises, access is acquired automatically (through IP recognition) without the need for any username/password combination, whereas remote access (off DUTH premises) is implemented through the VPN connection.

Note: The VPN connection is provided only to DUTH email schema users.

The DUTh Library Information Center’s subscriptions are two kinds:

Access  is given by the following options:

Connections either via Wi-Fi or VPN are considered part of the D.U.Th. network, due to the identification of the user during connection (with a username and password, which is strictly personal and similar to all the online services provided , i.e. Wi-Fi, VPN and other personal services).
The use of e-resources is only for educational, teaching or research purposes.

Attention! It is prohibited to systematically save or print the entire content of the issues of the electronic magazines available through the Services of the D.I.TH. It is pointed out that the use of the above Services is only permitted to users of member Institutions of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Network, for their personal educational, teaching or research needs only. Any violation of the above terms or any other form of abuse of these Services will mean very serious sanctions for the users and the Institution to which they belong and may lead to the interruption of the Library’s access to electronic journals and other electronic services.
Provisions of the current Greek legislation on Intellectual Property and Related Rights (Law 2121/93, Law 3049/2002 article 14, Law 3057/2002 article 81, Law 3207/2003, Law 3524/2007, Law 4212/2013 , Law 4281/2014 article 235)